Archive for the ‘Legal’ Category

What Happens When a Loved One Dies in Prison?

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

What Happens When a Loved One Dies in Prison?Funeral planning isn’t a positive experience in the best of circumstances—so when you add a complicated legal or personal situation, things have a way of becoming even more difficult and emotional.

One scenario that few people anticipate having to navigate is how to take care of the deceased when he or she passes away in a government institution like jail. However, this type of situation can and does happen, and there are options for families who wish to reclaim the deceased’s body for a personalized burial.

The Death Care Industry and Prison

In many cases, inmates who face a long time in prison—or who are otherwise in a situation in which death has a reasonable chance of occurring while they are incarcerated—make a will or other advance plans for death. Because they are already firmly in the legal system and have had contact with a lawyer, they may have been encouraged to draft a will that indicates where and how their body will be interred.


Why It Makes Sense to Prepay for Cremation

Thursday, July 4th, 2013

Why It Makes Sense to Prepay for CremationPlanning a funeral in advance is often held up as the ideal way in which to approach your financial affairs. After all, when you pre-plan a funeral, you can make all the money decisions and funeral arrangements ahead of time, leaving your family free to deal with their loss without additional strain. From choosing your casket to buying a burial plot, you’ve got it all covered.

Preplanning a cremation is a bit different. Because a cremation doesn’t cost as much as a traditional funeral, and because the process tends to be simpler from start to finish, making advance arrangements for a cremation is not as common. Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. Here are a few reasons why we think prepaying for a cremation makes good sense.

  • You Want Cremation: Though widely accepted by most religions and families in the United States, cremation is by no means as mainstream as traditional burial. If you feel strongly about your desire to be cremated, it’s a good idea to do all the planning (and prepaying) yourself. This way, there will be no question about your wishes.
  • You Have Specific Plans: The thing about cremation is that it can be just as varied as traditional funerals. Do you want your ashes to be kept in an urn in a columbarium, or scattered out to sea? Do you prefer direct cremation with a minimal fuss? Would you like your ashes to be buried in a coral reef or shot into space? If there’s anything out of the ordinary that you want at your funeral, now is a good time to make sure it’s attended to.
  • You Have Questions: Although you can research cremation options online, there’s nothing quite like sitting down with a funeral director or funeral preplan professional to get all the answers. If you have any worries or concerns about the cremation process, about cremation costs, or about what it means for your family, talk with someone who can put you in touch with a reputable prepaid cremation provider.
  • Your Finances are Unstable: Because cremation typically costs less than regular burial, many people think it’s not as big of a deal to put it off until after death occurs. However, the lower cost of cremation also means that it’s more affordable to prepay. If your finances are in a questionable state, or if you can handle smaller, monthly payments more easily than a lump sum, it might be a good idea to prepay for services now.

Cremation is the right choice for a lot of people. Prepaying for a funeral is the right choice for a lot of people, as well. Combining the two can be a great way to save money, settle your affairs, and relieve your family of much of the pressures that accompany death.

Natural Burial in the United States

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

Natural Burial in the United StatesFuneral planning in the United States takes on a variety of different formats. Depending on religion, personal preference, and budget, you can end up with anything from a quiet, understated affair to a three-day funeral complete with a parade procession down the city center.

Natural burial is a movement in the United States that argues in favor of the belief that “less is more.” By burying the body directly in the soil (usually in a shroud or other highly biodegradable material), natural burial enthusiasts believe that they can help the body to recycle naturally and with less of an emphasis on material trappings.

How Natural Burial Works

In a natural burial, the land is altered as little as possible. This means no putting chemicals, hardwoods, or metal into the earth, as well as staying away from ornate headstones. Burial containers take the form of biodegradable coffins, shrouds, and other items that don’t take up natural resources, and the body’s contact with the soil is something to be celebrated, rather than avoided.


How to Plan a Funeral with No Money

Wednesday, June 12th, 2013

How to Plan a Funeral with No MoneyIn strained economic times, it’s not uncommon for families to find that they have no money to pay for an unexpected funeral. The death care industry is a notoriously expensive one, and if you don’t have disposable income or advance funeral plans, being hit with a several thousand dollar funeral bill might be more than you can handle.

Fortunately, programs do exist to help bury a loved one even if you don’t have enough money to cover funeral costs. In most cases, you will need to provide proof of income or extenuating circumstances in order to qualify.

Indigent Burial Options


Are Funeral Costs Tax Deductible?

Saturday, April 13th, 2013

Are Funeral Costs Tax Deductible?Most experts agree that funeral planning should be undertaken with the guidance of an attorney or financial advisor. Because of the high costs associated with funerals—not to mention the tricky tax laws when it comes to inheritance—it can be difficult to navigate the waters alone. This is true for the phase of funeral planning as well as when tax season rolls around.

Medical Expenses

Most medical expenses not covered by insurance can be claimed on a tax return (assuming you itemize your deduction), and keeping good track of all monies paid for the medical care of the deceased is a good idea if you want to claim some of the funds you paid out of pocket. Things like hospital stays, surgery, hospice care, medication, and other end-of-life concerns all apply under this setting.


Buying or Selling a Pre-Owned Burial Plot

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

Buying or Selling a Pre-Owned Burial PlotIf you’re getting ready to pre-plan a funeral and are looking to save some money on burial costs, it might be a good idea to look into pre-owned cemetery plots. Although the name is a bit macabre (bringing to mind burial plots that have already seen bodies come and go), the concept of a pre-owned plot is actually quite normal.


Should You Take Out a Funeral Loan?

Wednesday, March 6th, 2013

Should You Take Out a Funeral Loan?Paying for a funeral is an issue everyone will need to deal with at some point in their lives. Whether the death of a loved one moves the subject to the forefront, or if you are estate planning and want to make advance arrangements, you will soon find yourself surrounded by funeral payment options.


Funeral Mediation: When Families Disagree

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

Funeral Mediation: When Families DisagreeDeath and funeral planning have the tendency to bring out the best and the worst in people. While families might hope that the loss of a loved one will bring them together as a cohesive unit, it is often found that the reverse is true. From disagreements about money issues to the actual funeral planning process (including how the body is disposed of, what kind of funeral service is held, religious preferences, and even flower choices), it often comes to pass that individuals simply cannot agree on how to proceed.

Understandably, this can quickly make a bad situation even worse—especially if there are no pre-arranged funeral plans in place and there has not been an Executor to the Estate named.


The Truth about Embalming

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

The Truth about EmbalmingWhen funeral planning, embalming is typically introduced as a way to preserve the dignity and appearance of the deceased in the days leading up to the burial. Through the use of various medical techniques, the body is drained of its natural fluids and replaced with chemicals that provide a more “life-like” appearance for the deceased. Although the reasons for embalming vary, it is most common when the family opts for an open casket ceremony.


How to Shop Smart for Pre-Need Funerals

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

How to Shop Smart for Pre-Need FuneralsPre-need funeral plans are available through multiple avenues. You can find packages at most funeral homes, cemeteries, life insurance providers, large corporations, and even independent financial brokers. These days, just about everyone has a finger in the death pre-care industry pie, and knowing who to turn to for help can be tricky.

If you are in the market for a pre-arranged funeral, here are a few things you should know about shopping smart.
