What is an End-of-Life Doula, and Do I Need One?

April 23rd, 2019

What is an End-of-Life Doula, and Do I Need One?

Most people associate the word and profession doula with the birthing process. Traditionally, a doula is a non-medical holistic professional who assists women in labor and delivery—providing emotional support, training and education, physical assistance, and services to the family. Not every woman who gives birth uses a doula, but many women who want a more natural birth process prefer to have these professionals at their side rather than more formal (and seemingly impersonal) medical professionals. (more…)

Ten Historical Cemeteries Worth Visiting

April 19th, 2019

Ten Historical Cemeteries Worth Visiting

A historical cemetery might seem like a strange vacation destination, but there’s something hauntingly beautiful about taking a stroll through time in this way—so much so that many of these historical cemeteries advertise to tourists. Not only can you visit the graves of famous people at these locations, but you can witness the touching humanity that occurs throughout the centuries. In fact, cemeteries offer history, art, culture, and nature in one scenic location. (more…)

Therapy Animals and Grief

April 14th, 2019

Therapy Animals and Grief

Anyone who has ever owned a pet can tell you exactly why a dog, cat, or other companion can help with your grief. If they are scientifically minded, they might cite actual evidence. They can point to things like the release of oxytocin (the bonding hormone) and dopamine when petting or even just making eye contact with a pet, or they might tell you about the reduction of cortisol (the stress hormone) when interacting with a furry friend. Or they may prefer a personal approach, and simply bring their pet and let you see for yourself how a few puppy kisses and a purring cat on your lap make all the difference. (more…)

Finding Support for Yourself and Your Loved Ones during End-of-Life Care

April 9th, 2019

Finding Support for Yourself and Your Loved Ones during End-of-Life Care

Caring for a loved one at the end of life is a task that few understand until it happens to them. All the medical preparations and advance funeral planning in the world cannot prepare you to deal with the emotional, mental, and physical toll of helping a loved one die. (more…)

Keeping Family Traditions Alive after the Death of a Loved One

April 4th, 2019

Keeping Family Traditions Alive after the Death of a Loved One

When you lose a beloved friend or family member, you do not just lose a person—you are losing all the things that person brought to your life. From the laughter they shared to the moral support they offered every time you needed it, someone who was important to you is likely to leave a large hole in your life once they are gone. (more…)

Unusual Custom Urns

March 31st, 2019

Unusual Custom Urns

Long gone are the days when the only options to hold the ashes of a loved one were a simple wooden box or an elaborate cemetery urn. Although boxes and urns are still used today (and can be quite elegant or even customized to suit your preferences), there are dozens of other ways you can store cremated remains. If you want to make a statement or honor the deceased, these unusual custom urn ideas are here to help. (more…)

Apps for Death and Dying

March 26th, 2019

Apps for Death and Dying

These days, most of us spend several hours a day on our phones. We check email, send text messages, read the news, and keep up with social media. We play games, look at the weather, and sometimes, we even plan for death. (more…)

Alternative Ways to Pay for a Funeral

March 18th, 2019

Alternative Ways to Pay for a Funeral

Most people do not have the $5,000 to $15,000 necessary to pay for a funeral outright. This kind of money, usually needed at the last minute and often in addition to high medical bills, is a serious burden on anyone who does not have a large savings account or disposable income. (more…)

Unique Memorial Ideas: A Family Recipe Book

March 12th, 2019

Unique Memorial Ideas: A Family Recipe Book

If you recently lost a loved one and are looking for a unique and uplifting way to create a lasting memorial, you may want to consider a family recipe book. This works especially well whether the deceased loved to cook, or was someone who just loved food. By gathering beloved recipes and putting them in a book that can be printed for anybody who wants a copy, you can help their memory—and their favorite dishes—live on. (more…)

Generational Differences in Grief

March 7th, 2019

Generational Differences in Grief

Visit just about any news site on the internet today, and you will find plenty of articles about how the Baby Boomer generation and the Millennial generation differ. From the way they spend their money, to the age at which they are starting families, Millennials seem determined to do everything differently. (more…)