Archive for the ‘After Death’ Category

How to Create a Memorial Space in Your Home

Monday, January 11th, 2016

How to Create a Memorial Space in Your HomeA funeral or memorial service is just the start of your bereavement process. Losing a loved one isn’t something you just “get over” or “recover from.” It’s a lifelong journey of finding ways to cope and enjoying the positive things that remain.

Funerals are a great way to kick start this grieving process, but they often leave a sense of emptiness behind. Once the funeral planning is done and the guests have departed, it’s time to begin finding your new path through life—often with only yourself to rely on.

For many, creating a memorial space at home is an ideal way to begin this journey of healing. In addition to allowing you a physical space to mourn (that’s not as far away as a cemetery), you may find comfort from having memories of the deceased so close by.

  1. Dedicate a space for the memorial. A mantelpiece is the most common location, but any niche or corner (or even a shelf on the bookcase) will do. A coffee table, a desk, or even an entire room you don’t use may also apply.
  2. Place an urn or photo in the space. If you had the deceased cremated, you can keep an urn of the ashes in the memorial space. If not, you can place a photograph or beloved item (shoes, a stuffed animal, a favorite hat, a trophy, an award medal, a wedding ring) in the center location. Anything that reminds you of the deceased and brings you joy will work.
  3. Consider flowers, decorations, and other commemorative items. There’s no rule about how many things you need to put in a memorial space, so feel free to include anything you feel is relevant to your relationship with your loved one. Some people also like to put up seasonal items (in much the same way you might place seasonal decorations at a grave site).
  4. Burn candles or make offerings. Depending on your spiritual beliefs, you may want to light special candles or burn incense. Aromatherapy candles can provide a double benefit if you choose soothing, healing scents that bring you personal comfort or remind you of the deceased. (Make sure you never leave anything on fire unattended.)
  5. Keep it up as long as you need. The great thing about a memorial space in your home is that you can keep it up year-round, and with the exception of an occasional dusting, you don’t need to do anything to maintain it.

The need for having a safe, physical space to mourn is why we have cemeteries and memorials in the first place. So much about death is intangible, and making a physical connection with those we have lost is difficult. A personal shrine or memorial space not only gives you more flexibility in your grief, but it allows you to personalize the process so that you can always feel connected.

Burial Insurance, Part Three: Buying Burial Insurance through a Funeral Home

Friday, December 4th, 2015
Burial Insurance, Part Three: Buying Burial Insurance through a Funeral Home

Burial Insurance 3 of 3

There are two primary ways to buy burial insurance. The first operates like any other kind of life insurance policy, in which you name a loved one as the beneficiary who receives the payout when you die. The second option allows you to name a funeral home as the beneficiary, in which case they receive the insurance money directly.

This second option may seem a bit strange—after all, a funeral home isn’t your family, and you haven’t worked hard your whole life so they can receive a payout. However, it’s actually a quite common occurrence, and it can work out in your favor. Here’s how. (more…)

Burial Insurance, Part Two: How and Where to Purchase Burial Insurance

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015
Burial Insurance, Part Two: How and Where to Purchase Burial Insurance

Burial Insurance 2 of 3

Once you’ve decided that you’d like to purchase a burial or funeral insurance policy as part of your final plans, the real challenge comes into play. There are countless burial insurance providers out there (which range from funeral homes to traditional insurance companies), and you have options when it comes to choosing the right one. (more…)

Burial Insurance, Part One: Introduction to Burial Insurance

Monday, November 30th, 2015
Burial Insurance, Part One: Introduction to Burial Insurance

Burial Planning Series Part 1 of 3

Funeral insurance, burial insurance, final expense insurance, preneed funeral insurance—these terms are often used interchangeably to talk about the same thing. With any of these types of insurance, money is paid out to a beneficiary to cover part or all of your funeral costs, including everything from traditional burial to cremation.

Unlike other types of insurance, which are designed around a “what-if” scenario (what if I crash my car, what if I need to go to the doctor, what if my home catches on fire), burial insurance is a guaranteed pay out. As long as you keep current on your premiums or pay the amount required up front, this money will be available upon your eventual death. (more…)

What to Put on the Headstone

Monday, November 9th, 2015
What to Put on the Headstone

What to Put on the Headstone

Of all the funeral plans you make on behalf of the deceased, perhaps none is more lasting than the inscription on the headstone. The words you choose to mark the grave will be the first thing people see when they walk by the grave, and the final thing they take with them when they leave the cemetery. These words will also last much longer than your own memories, showcasing your love and affection for centuries to come. (more…)

Five Reasons to Donate Your Body to Science

Monday, November 9th, 2015
Five Reasons to Donate Your Body to Science

Five Reasons to Donate Your Body to Science

Although the option to donate your body to science instead of having it buried or cremated has been around for decades, it’s an option many people have a hard time considering. After all, when your body becomes a learning tool for the next generation of doctors and scientists, you are unable to hold a traditional burial. (more…)

How Much Does a Green Funeral Cost?

Monday, November 9th, 2015
How Much Does a Green Funeral Cost?

How much does a green funeral cost?

One of the biggest trends in funeral planning right now is the “green funeral.” Green funerals (interment options that are ecologically friendly and reduce an individual’s carbon footprint) appeal to people for many different reasons. The obvious reason—that it’s important to preserve the Earth for future generations—is one that most people cite.

However, green funerals also have the advantage of offering affordable funeral options to replace traditional burial. Because you’re avoiding many of the more costly steps of planning a funeral (a hardwood or metal casket, a vault in the ground, embalming, etc.), having a green funeral means you can not only save the planet, but save money, as well.


Herbal Funeral Flowers

Wednesday, July 8th, 2015


Herbal Funeral Flowers

Herbal Funeral Flowers

One of the biggest trends in the funeral planning industry is to find ways to combine the traditions we’ve all come to recognize with more earth-friendly memorial options. From cremation to direct burial, there are dozens of ways you can reduce the strain on the environment when a loved one dies.

Funeral flowers are part of this trend toward simpler, cleaner burial, and many families opt to have “in lieu of” donations made or to cut out the flowers altogether. Another option is to give potted plants or useful funeral bouquets—ones that show your sympathy but also provide a secondary service. Funeral flowers that are also herbs or fruit-bearing plants do just that. (more…)

Holding a Funeral by Invitation Only

Monday, July 6th, 2015
Holding a Funeral by Invitation Only

How to Have an Invitation Only Funeral

It’s not uncommon for a family to wish to take their grief out of the public eye and hold a private mourning ceremony just for close friends and relatives. Whether the deceased was a public figure, died a newsworthy death, or simply wished for the funeral to be kept small, you can hold a funeral or memorial service by invitation only. Most of the funeral plans will stay the same, with one or two notable exceptions.

Obituary: You’ll need to strategize the obituary to make it clear that the funeral is open by invite only. One option is to skip the obituary and death notice altogether. By not publicly announcing the death, you won’t need to worry about those who aren’t invited stopping by. You can also put in an obituary but word it carefully. You can mention that it will be a “closed funeral” and ask for prayers instead of flowers or visits. (more…)

How to Create a Memory Table

Friday, July 3rd, 2015
How to Create a Memory Table

How to Create a Memory Table

As you plan a funeral and prepare for the memorial service, you may want to gather items for display on a memory table. Many funeral homes ask you to provide mementos and pictures of the deceased as a way to create a visual representation of a life well-lived. In addition to the slideshows or enlarged photos for display you already have planned, these items can be nicely arranged near the guestbook or entrance.

Memory tables have the advantage of being personalized to each unique individual. Because you choose items that were precious to the deceased or that signify an important moment in his or her life, no two memory tables are ever the same. You also have the flexibility to set it up any way you want. (more…)