Government Services When a Loved One Dies

Government Services When a Loved One Dies

Government Services When a Loved One Dies

When you lose an immediate family member (spouse, parent, or child), it is likely that your entire life is going to undergo a change. Not only will there be an emotional struggle, but you may find that your entire means of financial support is gone. Depending on your situation and your loved one’s occupation, you may be entitled to government bereavement support services.

Here is what government death services are and what you might be eligible to receive:

  • If you are unable to cover any of the costs of burial or cremation, your state and/or county may provide assistance (provided you show proof of income). This usually takes the form of cremating the body and disposing of the remains in accordance with local regulations. Contact your city’s health department for more information.

If you are uncertain about any possible benefits, be sure and ask the associated government body (usually Social Security, the VA, or a federal/state government employer). Often, death benefits will go unclaimed because of a lack of communication about what is available to you and how you can apply for it.

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