Funeral Etiquette Guidelines

Funeral Etiquette Guidelines No one is born knowing how to behave at a funeral, and few of us are given regular opportunities to practice and brush up on our skills. Because funerals are so (thankfully) rare, it’s not uncommon to find yourself at a loss regarding attire, how to behave, what you’re expected to bring, or even if you should attend at all.

As is the case with most things, funeral etiquette is all about planning ahead and being considerate—and searching iMortuary to find the answers you seek. From what to wear to a funeral to lending a helping hand, we’ve got all the information you need right here.

What to Wear to a Funeral

Funeral Etiquette Guidelines

How to Behave at a Funeral

If You Can’t Attend a Funeral

Funeral etiquette doesn’t have to be time-consuming or costly. In many cases, all that’s needed is a helping hand and a sympathetic ear. Dress appropriately, behave with decorum, and provide whatever support you can. The fact that you care enough to do right is often all that’s needed to help a grieving family.

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